Upgrade your product with vitals data
Our cloud based vitals calculation is ready for your product enhancement
Hear Rate API
Dedicated cloud API to calculate accurate Hear Rate & Breath Rate from radar to your owned applications & devices
Cloud based calculations of Heart Rate, Breath Rate, Presence & movement
Programmable Vitals API SDK exposed for integration partners
Capabilities for edge-based devices integration
Easy and quick integration with out-of-shelf UWB radars
Partners can facilitate to use ultra cheap and energy efficient Pulsed Coherent mm-wave Radars to work with our algorithm
We can support your product development in any stage
Test our solution yourself
You can test our solution by yourself by using Acconeer evaluation kit and our script. Results are displayed online on demo webpage.
Contact us for demo setup.
Partnership with Acconeer
Carelybot specializes in complex solutions and algorithm development using Acconeer radars.
CarelyBot have developed an algorithm for very accurate vital signal measurement with accuracy above 95% compared with ECG and distance up to 4-6 meters based on Acconeer’s radars (A111 and A121). This algorithm measures and calculates heart rate and respiratory rate and can be improved to include derivatives such as heart variability, stress and others.
Acconeer customers can use Acconeer evaluation kits and instantly trial CarelyBot algorithm over the cloud.
We presented our solution in CES 2024, Las Vegas.